Warts.. Magnitude of the dermis and the thickness of the layers skin Alkeriatin. Fleshy growth kaleidoscopic

Magnitude of the dermis and the thickness of the layers skin Alkeriatin

Fleshy growth kaleidoscopic characterized by the magnitude of the dermis and the thickness of layers Alkeriatin in the skin and causing sinus by Alozm virus human Human papilloma virus (HPV) and can be caused by viral and it has several forms.

  • Warts or verrucae are small skin growths caused by infection with the human papillomavirus.
  • Warts are caused by human papillomaviruses.
  • Raised or flat growths appear on any part of the skin.
  • Most warts do not cause pain.
  • Doctors identify warts by their appearance or, rarely, by taking a biopsy.
  • Warts that do not go away on their own can be removed by using chemicals, freezing, burning, or cutting.
Warts are caused by infection with the human papilloma virus. There are more than 100 types of HPV.

Warts may appear at any age, but they are more common in children and less common in the elderly. A person may have one, two, or hundreds of warts. Warts are contagious. Because prolonged or frequent contact is necessary for the virus to spread, warts spread from an area in Most often from body to body, but it can also be passed from person to person. It usually takes weaknesses in the skin (such as scratches or abrasions) to spread, but these can be very small. Sexual contact is enough for warts to spread Usually the genital area.

Most warts are harmless to humans, although they can be very annoying, with the exception of certain types of genital warts that occur due to types of human papillomavirus that can cause cancer of the mouth, throat, or genital areas.
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