Toxoplasma Gundy Toxoplasma gondii
Altotxoblazmoszes Toxoplasmosis, a disease And is caused by eating contaminated raw meat and few or cooking. Do not spend the freeze on this parasite and cooking is the best way to prevent the occurrence of poisoning By Toxoplasma well as the elimination of dogs and lack of contact with cats and rodents where there is feces and cells.
Also should wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly and attention to health oversight on animals before and after slaughter.
As affects employees massacres and veterinarians and also cause problems for mothers in pregnancy and malformations in the fetus and lead to miscarriage.
This parasite is published in Nature in dust and sand on the surface of animal skins and pollution leads to serious diseases such as meningitis and may lead to blindness and an enlarged liver and spleen, lymph nodes and fever in the body and inflammation of the heart, lung and others.