Time for insulin injections.. Half an hour before the meal or a quarter of an hour by cases

Time for insulin injections

Try to eat and take your insulin at the same time every day. Having a regular schedule from day to day will help you have more consistent blood sugar levels. Try to stay on schedule, even on days off from school.

Some tips to help you eat and take your insulin at the same time every day are:

  • Eat meals at least 3 to 4 hours apart. This way you will not overlap rapid-acting insulin doses.
  • Do not change your meal times by more than 2 hours.
  • Do your blood sugar checks and eat snacks 2 to 3 hours after each meal. This will let you see your blood sugar at the time your rapid-acting insulin dose is peaking.
  • If you want to sleep in, sleep only 2 hours later than your normal time. Then, get up, check your blood sugar, take your morning insulin, and eat breakfast. Go back to sleep after that if you are still tired.
  • Take your long-acting insulin at the same time each day. Set an alarm on your phone so you will not forget.

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