Sulfonylureas compounds Sulfonylureas
These medicines have been discovered by accident after it was noted that sulfa drugs antibacterial which has been used to treat typhoid caused a drop in blood sugar in patients. After that was the construction of several sulfonylureas drugs by changing the chemical form of the sulfa drug and these drugs are still used to this day. The first two drugs are used to treat patients with type II diabetes Altolbyautamad and Alklorbrupamid.
Common to all vehicles sulfonylureas either first-or second-generation building on the same basic chemical compounds sulfa, and therefore the patients who may suffer from allergic to sulfa drugs will have the same degree of sensitivity for compounds sulfonylureas.
These drugs are taken by mouth and have the ability to alert the secretion of insulin from the beta cells in the pancreas. For good control of blood sugar it is necessary to take these medicines before eating the duration of 20-30 minutes. Most patients can be dealt drugs sulfonylureas for 7-10 years before they lose their effectiveness. And give those drugs with a small amount of insulin or with other medications such as sugar-lowering metformin or vehicles Althiazouliden debt can prolong the duration of effect. In fact there are currently a mixture of Algelebjurajd with metformin in a single disc has proved its effectiveness. Has been encouraged by the study worked in 2000 on patients with severe diabetes of the second type, where showed that study that giving insulin with Alklorbrupamid or Algelebeizaid (two different types of drugs sulfonylureas) led to control well in the level of sugar in the blood compared to use long to insulin alone.
The compounds are classified sulfonylureas into two main groups according to stages of development and effectiveness:
The first generation First Generation
The drugs include first generation Altolbyautamad, and Alklorbrupamid, and Alosatohecsamed, and Altollazamed.
Second generation Second Generation
Include second-generation drugs Aljlaepioarad, Algelebeizaid, and Algelimbraad. These medicines have been constructed after about twenty-five years of construction and use of drugs The first generation Of sulfonylureas. It works Drugs with the same mechanism of action of first-generation drugs, but more effective doses less may be a lot of inaccuracies in the union with receptors on the various members of the body, compared with the first generation of drugs sulfonylureas.