Unusual reactions to another body without towards certain materials, material may be allergensCorrespond to the body for the first time raises the sensitivity to react strongly against the sometimes deadly A second meeting in the future, as in the allergic pharmacological (sensitivity Penicillin For example .. This requires strict protection; lips orally doctor before editing and described, and in If fainted due to an incident, for example, card telling him instead of him always carried on his chest , There is a body which defines excessive sensitivity (and this is often hereditary: body allergic ) Develops sensitivity and increases the interaction whenever he met with irritant Such as sensitivity against asthma Acari Oouhbat pollen .. Or sensitivity Ant that progressively increases as the Dermal exposure to erotic material (Cement, Soap ..).
There Rule that says that each article or external stimulation as possible to raise sensitivity when PeopleWho have a tendency to allergies do not appear surprised, dear reader, if I knew that Allergy medicine itself could lead to the emergence of allergies in some people also Wearing gold or silver as possible cause skin irritation when few women . Mood swings and psychological person such as anxiety, depression, anger and sadness Be a catalyst for the emergence of bouts of skin allergies, nose or chest.
skin infections