Abnormalities in a group classifies motor system disorders, which produce because of the loss of cellsBrain Produced Of dopamine However, it has proved its presence in certain families without the other.And four primary symptoms are:
** Shake, or shiver in the hand, arm, leg, jaw, and face.
** Hardness, or hardening of the limbs and trunk.
** Slow motion.
** Posture instability, or balance.
As these symptoms become more pronounced, patients begin to face difficulty walking, Speech, or completing other simple tasks. The disease affects individuals greater than 50 years. Subtle early symptoms and occur gradually. When some, the disease progresses More quickly than others.
Starting 50 Percent of cases of Parkinson's disease appear among those aged between 40 And 58-year-old. The most prominent scientists ambitions of gene therapy, which has proved in several Studies better results than those based on stem cells. Parkinson's affects 3 of Out thousand of the inhabitants of the land. And about one percent of them aged over 65 years . Italy is home to 500 thousand infected with the disease .
And 50 percent Of Parkinson's patients between the ages of 40 and 58 years old, and 25 percent of them ranging Aged between 20 and 40 years old. The rest of the patients (25 percent) Voamarhm 60 yearsAnd above. Comes the latest developments of gene therapy.