There is no doubt that any weakness in the immune system, especially in children means the possibility of a child with the most serious diseases from colds and influenza and the end of AIDS and hepatitis, and especially that recent studies tell us that the immune system strengthens and raising the level of efficiency in disease resistance, following a few guidelines preventive and commandments, which I summarized as follows:
First: interest in providing vegetables and fruit in the diet of the child
Parent must provide a lot of fruits and vegetables in her diet, because these foods contain a high proportion of the vitamins and minerals necessary for the formation natural immunity, and vitamins play an important role in the immune system function perfectly·
I have observed that a lack of vitamin A is produced from atrophy of the gland Iiemusah, and the attendant lack of jobs immune cells, and the rest of vitamins such as: (c), (b 2), (b 21), and folic acid, all of a negative impact on system activity immune body when quantity fall, and the lack of minerals such as iron, copper, zinc, reduces the activity of the immune system ·
It was found that more food effect on immune are fatty substances, for example, high cholesterol works to weaken the immune system, and therefore the reduction of fatty substances and a lot of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins and minerals provide favorable conditions for the performance of the immune system to its role efficiently·
Second: attention to personal hygiene and to stay away from sources of infection
This would prevent the spread of disease-causing germs, this does not mean an increase immunity of the child, but an ideal way to reduce the pressure on the child's immune system·
It depends on the education and accustom children to follow good health habits and observing the rules of hygiene and public health, such as: washing hands before eating and after defecating and after playing, and cover your mouth and nose when coughing, and disposal of debris from the mouth and nose in tissue paper, and non-shared use of the tools personal like toothbrushes, towels or napkins · · etc.·
Must also clean food and drink, and combat disease-carrying insects, and stay away from crowded places and attention to ventilate the rooms of the house, and avoid mixing patient, and consult a physician periodically or when you see any satisfactory offer·
Third: the need for sleep quiet and comfortable for the child ·
Confirmed medical research that modern cells regenerate during sleep, as it became clear that the rate of growth hormone, which helps build protein on building tissue increases, as rate of less hormone that causes destruction of cells and analyzed, as is scientifically proven that deep sleep has a positive effect on public health ·
Scientific research confirms also that the change in the number of hours of sleep makes children more vulnerable to disease, and the mother to know that a newborn child needs 18 hours in advance of sleep Pacific, begins gradually reduce hours sleep, In Age slightly larger needs of 12 to 13 hours, and in the pre-school age need only to 10 hours ·
Fourth: · · secondhand smoke! ·
Proved that cigarette smoke contains substances that can kill cells of the immune system, has been shown in recent studies that nicotine Have a devastating effect on the immune system cells, it inhibits the immune system and Idgdgh so it formatted for various immune diseases such as: diabetes ·
Has been proven as well that the child be more susceptible than adults to the harmful effects of passive smoking simply because they breathe at higher rates, and smoking also affects the growth of intelligence in children, if were not the father smoked the ability to refrain from smoking, he at least refrain from smoking inside the house ·
Fifth: drugs need only ·
The mother refrain from giving her any drugs only when absolutely necessary and with the advice of medical doctor who specializes · may resort mother to antibiotics, for example when a child of any cold, this is a big mistake, Antibiotics untold only for diseases bacterial but the majority of Pediatric be the result · viruses and some mothers believe that the antibiotic will not hurt her child, if not Fith, but the fact that the antibiotic and other drugs harmful to children great harm because it reduces the efficiency of the immune system·
Sixth: the need to vaccinate children against dangerous infectious diseases ·
Scientists in the twentieth century from the use of modern methods possible of introduction to strengthen the immune system and increase its efficiency in the face of the invading forces microbial · This was accomplished by vaccination against dangerous infectious diseases, so be on the mother programs as child immunization and vaccination against infectious diseases, especially tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria and whooping cough, tetanus, measles, hepatitis, and the specific dates for each vaccination ·
Seventh: the need for breastfeeding for as long as possible ·
Should encourage mothers to breastfeed for as long as possible, because of its paramount importance and no wonder, it has been deposited God Almighty breastmilk many verses remind some of which are as follows:
1 contains milk all the nutrients necessary for the growth of the child from proteins, fats, vitamins and mineral salts, etc., which are not available at the same rates in any industrial milk ·
2 milk that meets the needs of the child by age and size · It also raises the IQ of the child, but in some breast milk hormones that help to develop a sense of connection between the baby and the mother, and its hormones help avoid mental retardation ·
3 milk contains colostrum or milk screw, which is secreted immediately after birth (3) million a ball of white blood cells per Almellmitr and these are specialized cells protect the body from microbes, also contains a high concentration of immune cells Alalthammeh one of the most important types of immune cells, scientists have found that these antibodies contained in this strange liquid protects the child until the age of two years, God willing ·
4 contains milk to great amount of antibodies that protect the child from many serious infectious diseases, especially digestive diseases Kalnslat, diarrhea and respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and allergic diseases such as asthma popular and eczema, etc., and examples of these antibodies: lymphocytes, and white cells osteoclasts, and Aloctofferin, factor (Pfids) · · then the body's immune (A ) Or (Alaminocalopulin a) and which is one of the most important antibodies anti contained in mother's milk, no wonder he is working against a lot of bacteria, especially cholera microbe and against a lot of viruses and most famously dangerous poliovirus ·
5 explained modern medical bulletins that breast milk contains a lot of important materials including (6) anti microbial materials · · and (8) anti-inflammatory elements · · and (4) factors reinforcing the immune system of the child!·
6 Not to mention that breast milk is easy to digest and absorption for the child · · and available throughout the twenty-four hours a day · · does not require setting a special · · does not carry the family for any expenses · · a sterile and up to the infant at the proper temperature, and then is the air conditioner, it is cool in summer warm winter, then there are other features not yet discovered! ·
The Glory of God the great Creator creator says: (We shall show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it is clear to them that it was right or not enough that thy witness of all things) separated: 35.
immune system