AIDS symptoms.. Underweight. Chill and fatigue. Loss of appetite. Diarrhea. Fever. A night sweat. Headache. Itch. Menopause. Splenomegaly

 Patient undergoing incubation period, a time between infection and the onset of symptoms confirmed the disease, which is unknown duration to be exact, as it seems that it ranging from 6 months to several years and be in the middle years when children and 5 years in adults After 3-4 weeks of the virus to enter the body suffers 50-70% of people of malaise and lethargy and pain in the throat and ill lymph nodes, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, macular rash appears on the trunk These symptoms continue for two weeks or 3 weeks and then disappear into the patient in remission Continue remission from months to several years, during which multiplies the virus and infect the largest possible amount of immune system cells In the next phase symptoms appear in the form of widespread and sustained inflation in the lymph nodes and lasting at least 3 months with no reason for this morbidity Situation develops to include the following features: Underweight - apathy and fatigue - loss of appetite - diarrhea - fever - a night sweat -headache - itching - menopause (women) - an enlarged spleen.
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