How diagnosis:
* Partial blockage:
* Difficulty speaking and Altnks.
* Cough and fatigue.
** Total occlusion:
* Inability to speak or breathe or cough.
* Loss of consciousness.
Prevention measures:
** If the victim is unconscious Start respiratory and chest compressions.
** Do not use a finger inside the mouth.
1 - Give dorsal five strokes:
** Encourage the patient to cough to try to remove the blockage.
** If the injured began the Middle Ahnh forward.
** Five strokes dorsal plate between the shoulder blades with one hand and then inspect the mouth.
** If you continue east go to the second step.
2 -Hold the back of the patient:
** Stand behind the victim.
** Put both arms around him and one of fists between the navel and the end of the greatness of his chest.
3 - dish five abdominal thrusts:
** Grasp your fist with your other hand pulling strongly to the inside and the highest maximum of five times.
** If the blockage is removed even now prepared to detect the mouth to look for any foreign objects and remove it.
4 - Repeat the entire sequence:
** Repeat steps 1 - 3 until the blockage is removed. Or ask for an ambulance.
** Repeat the previous sequence until an ambulance arrives or until the blockage is removed.