Which skin disorder most closely resembles and mimics dandruff.. Lice infestation

Which skin disorder most closely resembles and mimics dandruff?

  • A- Lice infestation
  • B- Scabies
  • C- Dematitis
  • D- Acne vulgaris

Correct Response: A

Lice infestation with nits most closely resembles and mimics dandruff. Other signs and symptoms of lice infestation include itching and small, red bumps on the scalp, shoulders and/or neck.
Scabies is characterized with itchiness and thin, irregular mite burrow tracks that appear like tiny blisters or bumps on the skin.
Dermatitis is evidenced with an itchy rash on swollen, reddened skin.
Acne vulgaris appears as blackheads and/or whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules, and/or cysts.

What is scabies?

Scabies is a itching in the skin caused by a small spotted mite called keratosis.
The presence of licorice causes severe itching in the area where it pierces. The urge to itch may be particularly strong at night.
Scabies is a contagious disease that can spread quickly through close physical contact between family members, a childcare group, or students in a school, nursing home or prison class.
Because of the infectious nature of scabies, doctors often recommend that whole families or groups involving physical contact be treated.

Scabies treatment:

Scabies are easily treated. Drugs are placed on the skin to kill licorice that causes scabies and eggs, but you may experience itching for several weeks.
The eight-legged Sousse is a microscopic scab.
The licorice girl digs just under your skin and clears a tunnel where you lay the eggs.
The eggs hatch and the larvae make their way to the surface of your skin, where they ripen and can spread to other parts of your skin or to the skin of other people.

Complications of scabies:

Scabies itch produces an allergic reaction from your body to the licorice, its eggs, and its droppings.
Licorice can be spread as a result of close physical contact, and less so by exchanging clothing or bedding with an infected person.
Dogs, cats and humans are all affected by a variety of different and special lichens.
Each type of licorice is preferred by a specific host type, and does not live long away from its preferred host.
Therefore, humans may experience temporary skin reaction due to = contact with animal scabies.
However, it is unlikely that people will experience complete scabies from this source as they may suffer from contact with human scabies.


Extreme scratching can break your skin and allow secondary bacterial infections, such as herpes, to occur.
Herpes is a superficial skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) or sometimes by Streptococcus bacteria.
A more severe form of scabies, called scabies, may affect certain high-risk groups, including:
  • People suffering from chronic health conditions that weaken the immune system, such as HIV or chronic leukemia.
  • People suffering from severe illness, such as people in hospitals or nursing facilities.
  • Elderly in nursing homes.
Scaly scabies, also called Norwegian scabies, tend to be dry and brittle, covering large areas of the body.
It is highly contagious and difficult to treat.
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