Lungs.. Two flexible spongiform organs that include the bronchial tree that is produced by pulmonary vesicles

The lungs in the thoracic cavity are surrounded by the visceral crystalline membrane within the wall chamber of ribs, sternum, spine and diaphragm. Two flexible spongiform members that include the bronchial tree that is produced by pulmonary vesicles. The cavity of each vesicle is divided into a number of probes, which are the airways that increase the internal surface capacity of the air. The vesicles meet to form vesicles, and the vesicles meet to form a pyramidal mass called the pulmonary lobules. The three lung lobes meet in the right lung and split only in the left lung. The pleural membrane surrounds each lung with a two-sheet membrane called the pleura. The inner vein attaches to the lung while the outer vein attaches to the inner face of the thoracic cage, and thanks to it, the lungs attach to the thorax.
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