Keratoacanthoma.. Cancer self-healing. A fast-growing tumor, resembling human cancer, is clinically and histologically cured spontaneously without treatment

It is also called self healing Carcinoma.
- Fast-growing tumor, similar to human cancer clinically and histologically. But it heals automatically without treatment, as the immune response to the individual makes it reverse in contrast to human cancer,
- Reason:
 Anonymous, but it is believed that genetic factors, viruses and carcinogens, may play a role in the occurrence:
- Genetic factors: Oncogenis genes.
- Viruses: prevent the stop pigmentation of the gene and thus occur mutations.
- carcinogenic factors: as it is frequent in places exposed to the sun.
- Clinically:
- Males are more infected than females.
- affects advanced ages (50-70) years,
- The most exposed to injury Hoggle face - a gallery of the sun - rarely infects the mouth.
- It seems like a high creed, a low center full of keratin, like a crater like an apperance (the same as a cancerous ulcer).
- It is often painful, and is associated with the magnitude of the peripheral lymph nodes.
- The doctrine is harsh, small, up to size (1-1.5 cm) during (4-8) weeks, remain static (4-8) weeks, and then decline during (4-8) weeks.
- The decline occurs by the fall of the keratin center, and the disappearance of the lesion.
- Does not leave a scar unlike the cancerous ulcer.
- Histologically:
The keratinocytes are surrounded by pseudoepitheomatus hyperplasia, where the proliferating epidermal cells extend upward to form the edges of the volcanic lesion and extend down into the dermis in irregular tongues.
Human cells are large, often irregularly shaped, acidic, and produce keratin (this is called benign dyskeratosis, ie, the presence of keratin in pearls rather than on the epidermis).
The connective tissue appears under the epidermis of chronic inflammatory cells, and some fibrosis.
- the cure:
There is no need for treatment as the lesion spontaneously retreated after the fall of the ulcerated keratin center.
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