Testicular alopecia treatments .. rosemary

Add a teaspoon of the plant to a cup of boiled water, leave it covered for 6 minutes, then drain after it, and drink it at multiple doses during the evening. Continue for 10 consecutive days.

Rosemary is a shrub native to the Mediterranean basin. Rosmarinus officinalis grows in the wild in scrubland and scrubland in the south of France. Moreover, the plant contributes greatly to the culinary identity of the Mediterranean. It is indeed very widely used in cooking to flavor grilled meats, vegetables and dishes in sauce.

Rosemary, benefits that have marked history:
Rosemary has left many traces in our history. The Egyptians thought that placing twigs of this herb in the tombs of the Pharaohs helped to fortify their souls before passing into the next world.
In ancient times, Greek students made crowns of rosemary twigs because the plant was supposed to stimulate memory. This belief is not necessarily whimsical since scientists have sought to know if it could actually stimulate the intellect. However, a study has shown that inhaling rosemary essential oil increases the concentration capacity.
Over the generations, rosemary was also sacred. Thus, it was used during ceremonies such as weddings or burials. It was also customary to use it to drive out bad spirits.
Finally, it has always been recognized as a strengthening: twigs were burned to purify the air or one breathed to heal. Similarly, by infusing it in red wine, one obtains a fortifying drink and helps to solve the digestive problems.

Rosemary is now recognized for its virtues beauty and health:
Whether in cooking, as a cosmetic or in herbal medicine, we exploit the leaves and the tops of dried flowers of the plant, which contain the highest concentration of active ingredients. In aromatherapy, one also extracts its essential oil. Finally, buds are also used in gemmotherapy.

Active ingredients of rosemary and their benefits:
The benefits of rosemary are explained by its content in many active substances whose beneficial effects on the body are recognized:
- flavonoids that are powerful antioxidants to neutralize free radicals and thus prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases related to aging
- diterpenes which are known to be antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory
- phenolic acids
- Phytoestrogens that act as female hormones
- essence rich in camphor, cineole, alpha-pinene, borneol and camphene
Rosemary is recognized scientifically for its beneficial effects on gastric disorders, rheumatic disorders, blood circulation, improvement of liver functions and as a mild antiseptic.
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