- Phosphororoethyl esters and their salts, including O, O butyl Sodium and O, O diethyl diphosphate.
- Acetate sulfate and salts: These may be neutral or acidic and the most important:
1. Acidic acid sulphate (CH3 O. SO2. OH). It is an oil liquid.
2 - Sodium Dimethyl Sulfate (CH3O): A colorless or slightly slanted liquid for yellowing, with a mild mint flavor, toxic to wear, tear and irritant to the respiratory tract, used in organic synthesis.
Ethyl sulfate (ethyl hydrogen) (C2H5.O.SO2.OH) is a liquid that has the strength and properties of the drink.
4 - Ethyl Sulfate (DHT) (C2H5.O) 2.SO2) which is a liquid that has the scent of mint.
- Acetate sulfate and salts: These may be neutral or acidic and the most important:
1. Acidic acid sulphate (CH3 O. SO2. OH). It is an oil liquid.
2 - Sodium Dimethyl Sulfate (CH3O): A colorless or slightly slanted liquid for yellowing, with a mild mint flavor, toxic to wear, tear and irritant to the respiratory tract, used in organic synthesis.
Ethyl sulfate (ethyl hydrogen) (C2H5.O.SO2.OH) is a liquid that has the strength and properties of the drink.
4 - Ethyl Sulfate (DHT) (C2H5.O) 2.SO2) which is a liquid that has the scent of mint.
Carboxylic acids