Naphthalate and amino phenols. Amino acids hydroxy naphthalene sulfonic. Ortho, Meta and Para Amino phenols or crisols. Phenytidines. Crisidine

Amino acids and other amino phenols, and their esters and esters; salts:
Are phenolic compounds that replaced one or more atoms of hydrogen in their nucleus with an amino group (-NH2). These compounds contain oxygenic functions on a phenolic function only, its alternation, its estrogen, or a combination of these
Functions. The presence of any oxygen function on the side or nucleus of the non-binding nucleus attached to the other side of the ammonophthalate or other aminophanolate shall not be taken into account when the regulation is adopted:
1 - amino acids hydroxy Naphthalene sulfonic, including:
A-7-amino-1 Naphthol-3-sulfonic acid (gamma acid)
B) Acid 8 - Amino - 1 - Naphthol - 3,6 - Sulfonic acid (H)).
2 - Ortho - and Mita - Para - amino phenols.
3 - Ortho -, and Meta - and Para - Amino Crezolat.
4- Dynaminophenolate.
The following amino phenols are mentioned here:
A - anesidines.
B - anisidines (Bay "Dai" anisions ").
C - Phenyntidines.
D - Crissidine.
E-5-Nitro-2-Boroboxy aniline (2-amino-4-nitrophenol 8- Propyl ether).
Hidoroxic derivatives of phenylamine and its salts also enter here.
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