Lysetinate and Phospho Amino Leptides .. Asters produced by the Union of Oleic acids and palmetto and fatty acids with glycero phosphoric acid and organic Ustizian base such as choline

Lysetinate and phospho amino acid Other:
They are compounds derived from a combination of oleic acids, maltics and other fatty acids with glycero phosphoric acid and organic izthic acid such as choline. They are usually brownish-colored blocks, scratch-resistant in alcohol. Lecithins are found in egg yolk (opholithythine) and in animal and plant tissues.
The commercial licitins which are also included in this item are mainly soy lecithin and consist of a non-soluble phosphatase mixture in the aston (60% to 70% of its weight), soybean oil, fatty acids and carbohydrates. Commercial soy lecithin It is brown, light brown or granulated to zero when soybean oil is extracted by acetone.
Alfalysethane is used in medicine. Commercial soybean is used as an emulsifier or as a fumigant, etc. in human or animal food industries, in the paint industry, in the oil industry, etc.
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