Iminat.. Dynin Vinyl Guanidine. Ortho-tulle du-guanidine for rubber rubbing. Ethylidine Aniline. Botellidine. Ethers. Dichlorophenol endophenol

Imines such as Imidates are characterized by the bivalent group (NH =) but this group is associated with the non-acid bivalent organic fraction (R2C = NH). The most important of these vehicles:
1. Guinidines:
These compounds are obtained by the interaction of cyanamide with ammonia. Thus, the amino-urea, known as guanidine, can be considered as derived from the urine by replacing the oxygen from the carbonyl group (C = O).
NH2. CO. NH2 .... NH2. C = NH. NH2
Guanidine can be formed from the oxidation of protein substances as it is also prepared in a synthetic manner, which is colorless and colorless.
Some of its derivatives are:
(A) Phenyl Guanidine.
Used to facilitate the process of rubberization.
B - Ortho Tolle Guanidine:
Used to facilitate the process of rubberization.
C-ortho-tolerant di guanidine:
Used to facilitate the process of rubberization.
2 - Aldeminat:
Are compounds with the following general symbolic group (R.CH = N.R1) where R and R1 are represented by alkyl or eryl (methyl, ethyl, phenyl, etc.) or hydrogen atoms.
The products are called "Chef" rules.
A. Ethylidine Aniline.
Botulinum Aniline.
C - Aldol - alpha - and beta - Naphthal Aminat.
D. Ethylidine Para - Generators.
These products are used in the rubber industry.
3. Ethers.
4- Amydines.
5, 2, 6 dichlorophenol endophenol.
This item is excluded from periodic polymers of aldeminate, and is introduced in heading 29.33.
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