Forms of manic episodes with psychotic symptoms (delusions) .. Illusions of greatness or humiliations indicate the dignity of the person and supernatural powers

Symptoms All Nubia features:

- There are no indications of schizophrenia or schizophrenic disorders of manic form.

- show delusions and delusions but far from the typical seen in schizophrenia, and the most common illusions here are illusions of bone content and reference to self or with the content of oppressive.

- The symptoms do not return directly to a drug substance or to a physical condition.
Two bed forms can be described:

- Manic bout with psychotic symptoms compatible with the mood (delusions of grandeur or humiliations indicating the dignity of the person and his supernatural powers).

- A manic bout with psychotic symptoms that are not compatible with mood (neutral auditory depressions describing a person's emotions and feelings or reference or oppressive illusions).
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