Cyclic amides (paracetamol) .. Para Isoccy Vinyl urea (Dulcine or Centralite). Acetanilide. Phenylacetamide. Astamidopenzoic

Cyclic amides:
1- Yurines and imports.
The most important urins are:
Para isoxyphenyl urea (dolcin).
B - DHT (Centrality).
2 - Acetanilide: Methyl - Ethyl acetanilide, Acet - Barra - Vinitide (Phenacetin), Barra - Iseta Mido phenol, Para - Isita Medo - Zubol and all are used in medicine.
3 - Phenylacetamide.
4 - normal cyclohectyl derivatives of cyclic amines such as acetone acetanide; hydroxide naphthoic amides such as 3 - hydroxy - 2 - naphthalanide; diatrizoic acid and its salts and are used as imitators in radiography, some of which are commercially known as aridides.
5 - Acid 2 - Astamidobenzoic is a colorless or yellowish - colored crystals, in the form of needles or platelets, and is used as raw material for the production of methaqualone (iNN) (see the list of raw materials at the end of Chapter 29).
Non-harmonized cyclic oxides such as mononale urea (barbituric acid) and heidantoyne (item 29.33) are excluded from this item.
The provisions of some of this item, which are considered to be narcotic substances under international conventions, are included in the list at the end of Chapter 29.
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