The polyps are especially prevalent in Western countries and many scientists believe that these tumors develop into colon cancer after a period of time up to ten years. They may appear as blood in the exit or are discovered by chance and colon cancer is the second most common type of cancer in the United States. Multiple bacterial bowel infections appear in the form of bleeding from the lower digestive tract (colon). These infections are caused by different types of bacteria. Ulcerative colitis usually occurs in the form of recurrent dizziness accompanied by blood. Colitis can also appear as bleeding. Colic capsules are a common disease in Western countries and this shows to the form of severe bleeding and the patient can complain of pain in the lower abdomen.
Benign polyps and colon cancer .. bloody hemorrhage of the lower gastrointestinal tract, colonic colic and pain in the lower abdomen
publisher :NIL NAM