A female client is undergoing a complete physical examination as a requirement for college.. Chest movements

A female client is undergoing a complete physical examination as a requirement for college.

When checking the client’s respiratory status, the nurse observes respiratory excursion to help assess:

a- Lung vibrations.
b- Vocal sounds.
c- Breath sounds.
d- Chest movements.

Answer D.
The nurse observes respiratory excursion to help assess chest movements.

Normally, thoracic expansion is symmetrical; unequal expansion may indicate pleural effusion, atelectasis, pulmonary embolus, or a rib or sternum fracture.

The nurse assesses vocal sounds to evaluate air flow when checking for tactile fremitus; after asking the client to say "99," the nurse palpates the vibrations transmitted from the bronchopulmonary system along the solid surfaces of the chest wall to the nurse’s palms.

The nurse assesses breath sounds during auscultation.
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