Diagnostic stage of Ascaris lumbericoidis: Finding of a typical fertilized egg in stool

- Diagnostic stage of Ascaris lumbericoidis:

  • A- Finding of a typical fertilized egg in stool.

Finding a typical fertilized egg in stool is indeed the most common and reliable diagnostic stage for Ascaris lumbricoides infection.

Here's a breakdown of why:
Why finding eggs in stool is the gold standard:

- High sensitivity and specificity:

The unique characteristics of Ascaris eggs (oval shape, thick shell, size, internal features) make them easily identifiable and distinguishable from other parasites under a microscope. This results in accurate detection even for low-level infections with a single worm.

- Cost-effective and non-invasive:

Microscopic examination of stool samples is a relatively inexpensive and readily accessible procedure compared to other diagnostic methods. It also avoids the need for invasive techniques like blood draws or imaging.

Additional diagnostic methods:

While finding eggs in stool is the gold standard, other methods may be used in specific situations:

- Blood tests:

These can detect antibodies against Ascaris lumbricoides, but may not be as sensitive as stool examination, especially in early infections.

- Imaging techniques:

X-rays or ultrasounds can be helpful in rare cases, particularly if complications like intestinal obstruction are suspected.


  • While finding eggs in stool is a strong indicator of Ascaris infection, a medical professional should always be consulted for proper diagnosis and treatment.
  • Self-diagnosis is not recommended due to the potential for misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment.
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