Which of the following is NOT a primary literature.. applied therapeutic & clinical use of drug

Which of the following is NOT a primary literature:
a- gournal of pharmacy practice
b- applied therapeutic & clinical use of drug
c- new England Journal of medicine
d- Loncet

What is a children's literature workshop like?
Children's literature has a series of characteristics that define and differentiate it from other genres.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to find a suitable reading for each child, since the recommendations by age are not usually quite correct since they generalize in terms of the allocation of ages, but do not take into account the themes or processes of maturational development of each child.

This means that some children must read books whose age range is associated with a much higher level than is assumed, or on the contrary, there are children who should look for books assigned to lower age groups.

The difficult thing is to know what children's literature books our children or students can read, the themes and recommendations of children's books and other stories and activities to have a children's literature workshop accessible to all, parents and teachers.

Literature activities for primary school children
This special of literature for children of Primary has a series of guidelines to create a special content for parents and teachers who want to guide their children or students in fascinating readings that embark them in the wonderful world of the book, but always having the certainty of What they are reading is appropriate to their knowledge and maturation status, regardless of age. Who better can judge and decide if this book is adequate or better that other one is the father, mother or teacher himself.

Trying to avoid generalizations of the type "children's literature for children of 8 years" we will make a series of exercises and analysis of works and recommendations, with summaries and characteristics of the best works of children's literature, so that they are the fathers, mothers and teachers that can assess and decide if the title is suitable for each child.

But we will not only talk about works of current children's literature, we will also propose a series of titles of classical literature for children, whether they are works that have traditionally been labeled as children's literature, or adaptations of novels that are not necessarily childish (for example El Quijote) but they have been adapted to children and have a language and structure that is more affordable for young readers.

Books of current literature for children:
New titles of children's literature are published daily worldwide, many are translated, others go unnoticed, others receive good reviews and ratings but it is difficult to find them and some, have the sum of several factors that take them to everyone's bookstores The homes of the world. The objective of this space is to create a children's literature workshop that serves as a platform to find out what is happening in the world of children's literature, the titles that you should consider taking a look, the volumes that other teachers, mothers or fathers recommend, or our personal recommendations.

All this oriented so that you can be providing children's books to your children or students with assiduity and certainty that you are at least limiting enough to propose an interesting reading according to their needs, tastes and language skills.

Classics of literature for children:
Not everything has to be new in children's literature, of classics we can also nurture the curiosity and reading habit of the little ones.

Luckily today it is possible to find many classics of children's literature adapted to the language used by younger children. We can even find different versions of the same work, using more or less complex languages, vocabulary and grammar structures of greater complexity or quantity of illustrations and the weight they exert on the text.

Thus, a child with more limited reading needs and abilities can read the same work as his older brother, much more accustomed to reading and with a more developed vocabulary, each using a title of classical children's literature adapted to their needs.

You will also find useful material for a children's reading workshop on authors and classical children's literature, where we will talk about great authors of this genre come and for having and what characteristics some of the best known works in the world of children's books have.
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