White lesion bilaterally on cheek,& other member in the family has it:
a - leukoplakia
b- white sponge nevus. ***
White sponge nevus presents as bilateral symmetric white, soft, “spongy,” or velvety thick plaques of the buccal mucosa
- White sponge nevus, also known as Cannon's disease, Hereditary leukokeratosis of mucosa, and White sponge nevus of Cannon[1] appears to follow a hereditary pattern as an autosomal dominant trait.[2]:807 Although it is congenital in most cases, it can occur in childhood or adolescence.
It presents in the mouth, most frequently as a thick bilateral white plaque with a spongy texture, usually on the buccal mucosa, but sometimes on the labial mucosa, alveolar ridge or floor of the mouth.
a - leukoplakia
b- white sponge nevus. ***
White sponge nevus presents as bilateral symmetric white, soft, “spongy,” or velvety thick plaques of the buccal mucosa
- White sponge nevus, also known as Cannon's disease, Hereditary leukokeratosis of mucosa, and White sponge nevus of Cannon[1] appears to follow a hereditary pattern as an autosomal dominant trait.[2]:807 Although it is congenital in most cases, it can occur in childhood or adolescence.
It presents in the mouth, most frequently as a thick bilateral white plaque with a spongy texture, usually on the buccal mucosa, but sometimes on the labial mucosa, alveolar ridge or floor of the mouth.
Oral medicine