Silicate cement.. First tooth colored restoration. contains 15 % fluoride

Silicate cement:
a. First tooth colored restoration.
b. It can be used as permanent filling.
c- It contains 15 % fluoride.
d- A, b and c.
e- 1 and 2.
f- A and c. ***
g- A only.

Silicate cement:
first translucent filling material in 1878 by Fletcher in England.
used in ant. Teeth more than 60 years , and rarely used today. Recommended in patients with small rest.
In ant teeth with high caries activity. by virtue of the high fluoride content and solubility of this material, the adjacent enamel was thought to be rendered more resistance to recurrent caries. need a liner or base under it to protect the pulp tissue from irritation resulting from low PH of the material. Characteristic:
tooth matching, ease of manipulation, anticariogenic , good insulator, coefficient of thermal expansion approached that of enamel and average life 4 years and in some of these restorations were reported to last for 10 years and longer.The failure due to discoloration and loss of contour.

Hydrated calcium silicate is the main product of Portland cement hydration and is primarily responsible for the strength of cementitious materials.
Hydrated calcium silicate (also called C-S-H for calcium silicate hydrate) is the result of the reaction between the Portland cement silicate (clinker) phases and water. This reaction is typically expressed as follows:
2 Ca3SiO5 + 7 H2O → 3 CaO · 2 SiO2 · 4 H2O + 3 Ca (OH) 2 + 173.6 kJ
The stoichiometry of C-S-H in cement paste is variable and the state of chemically and physically bound water in the structure is unclear, which explains why "-" is used between C, S and H1.
Synthetic HSC can be prepared by the reaction of CaO and SiO 2 in water or by the double precipitation process using various salts. These methods provide the flexibility to produce C-S-H in specific C / S ratios. The C-S-H phases of the cement can also be treated with ammonium nitrate to achieve the desired C / S ratio.

The crystalline structure of C-S-H in the cement paste has not been fully resolved and there is still debate about its nanostructure.
SEM micrographs show that C-S-H does not exhibit any specific crystalline form. C-S-H usually manifests as flakes or dendrites / fibrils.
Synthetic C-S-H can be divided into two separate categories in the C / S ratio of about 1.1. Several studies show that the physical and mechanical characteristics of chemical C-S-H vary substantially between these two categories.
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