Pt. came to u with dark color left lateral incisor , the pt. history trauma and did RCT for the left lateral incisor, what is the cause of this coloration

Pt. came to u with dark color left lateral incisor , the pt. history trauma and did RCT for the left lateral incisor, what is the cause of this coloration:
1- Bacteria in the coronal part
2- Microleakge of the restoration
3- Blood spot in dentinal tubules which cuz discoloration ***

Pulp extirpation can cause hemorrhage in the pulp chamber caused by rupture of blood vessels. Blood components subsequently flow into the dentinal tubules, causing a discoloration of the surrounding dentin (41, 42) initially, a temporary color
Change of the crown to pink can be observed. This is followed by hemolysis of red blood cells. The released heme then combines with the putrefying pulpal tissue to form iron (26, 43) The iron in turn can be converted by hydrogen sulfates that are produced by bacteria to dark colored iron sulfates, which discolor the tooth grey. These products can
Penetrate deep into the dentinal tubules and can cause discoloration of the entire tooth.
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