Patient with maxillary RPD with missing 16,17,18 and 25,27 and 26 is badly decayed and a non-restorable tooth so the dentist decided to extract it what is the change in the classification after extraction

Patient with maxillary RPD with missing 16,17,18 and 25,27 and 26 is badly decayed and a non-restorable tooth so the dentist decided to extract it what is the change in the classification after extraction:

A- class I

B- class II modification I 

C- class II modification II 

D- Class III

ACCORDING TO KENNEDY APPLIGATE Class I, II and III RPDs Kennedy classification is governed by the most posterior edentulous area that is being restored.
For example, a maxillary arch were missing teeth #1, 3, 7-10 and 16, the RPD would be Kennedy Class III mod 1.
It would not be Class I, because missing third molars are generally not restored in an RPD.
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