Types of diabetes.. First kind. Type II. Gestational diabetes. Some other specific types rare

Of things that are important to the doctor when a select type of diabetes that determines exactly what type of diabetes? And that it will explain the diabetic and the doctor should avoid the use of the designations "informal" and is not agreed upon in the field of diabetes, such as type-3 from diabetes or type 1.5 diabetes, the presence of such definitions may cause bewilderment and messing up is not a necessity. 
  (Type-1.5). But it's better to doctors and specialists compliance labels "official."
There are some researchers who call that Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's disease) as the third type of diabetes, and there are those who qualify with diabetes type I and who were also the second type, ie a person with type I and then the second type (Monday together, this may occur ?!) and this is known as diabetes double (Double diabetes), and there are those who qualify first type of diabetes, which appears for the first time after an advanced age that kind 1.5 of diabetes (ie, there Crash cells beta Symptoms appear at a later age and with diabetes the need to inject insulin). All most of these labels are not agreed upon but not "official" It is better to avoid their use, with surrounding what a person gets clearly? And not to use such labels. 
What are the types of diabetes? 
* Type I diabetes. 
* Type II diabetes. 
* Gestational Diabetes. 
* Some other specific types rare.
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