Self-measurement of blood sugar
With diabetes Type II need to do self-measurement of blood sugar, depending on the type of treatment,.. Does diabetes used insulin or not, .. Each may need with diabetes type II once or two or more or less a day ... And as directed by your physician,.. In fact self-interest in relation to blood sugar (SMBG) is the only way to ensure the control of blood sugar and work to keep it in the values and the various proposed rates.
Even if it takes treatment in the way suggested by the doctor for you
Even if you committed to regular and follow a healthy eating
However, blood sugar had disturbed in an unexpected way With the help of his medical team (doctor diabetes, diabetes Cultured "breeder", dietitian) you can learn and learn how to deal with The following factors that may cause the disorder of blood sugar, such as:
What kind of eating and the amount of food that affect the blood sugar level to reach the values that I've found when you self-measurement of blood sugar Remember that blood sugar rises after a meal and up to its highest level after about an hour to three hours of the meal began and this depends on the quality of the food you ate.
Physical activity :
sports working to burn a good amount of blood glucose, and the more the sports activity, the lower blood sugar To prevent a drop in blood sugar, you can reduce the dose of insulin if you plan to work tedious mathematical exercises ..
Drugs used :
You need insulin to maintain blood sugar. But pay attention to other drugs used by .. It may be the reason why blood sugar disorder .. Doctor MUST consulted diabetes when taking medicine before any other tablets .. Which in turn will change the appropriate doses of drugs used based on the quality of the other drugs used.
In case of illness (sick days for diabetic) :
when they are infected any bidder disease such as sore throat .. Diarrhea .. High temperature .. running cold, etc., some hormones may increase blood as a reaction to the body and these hormones may lead to the inability of insulin to perform its mission as it should .. which may lead to blood sugar disorder, .. Which requires a change in treatment policy in one way or another .. MUST consult a doctor ..
Alcohol :
Alcohol may cause increased blood sugar or a drop in blood sugar ..This depends on the amount of alcohol that you have to drink and the amount of food you've eaten.
Tension and stress :
Result of constant stress and constant .. The insulin may not have the ability to work in a good way .. It was the turmoil in blood sugar is to be expected, .. Try to get rid of Pressures psychological as much as possible ..and even reduce stress, study your priorities in your affairs, and be realistic, and select a time to end the specific work, and ask for the aid of others if needed.
For women:
Disturbance in hormones and who is accompanying the menstrual cycle may cause a temporary disturbance of blood sugar And especially the week before the menstrual cycle began Attention must therefore And also in menopause, the disturbance in blood sugar is to be expected and must be attention to it And the work of self-measurement of blood sugar measurement and change the dose of medicines in the appropriate amounts.
Of course, in addition to self-measurement of blood glucose (SMBG), the doctor may carry out a cumulative analysis of blood sugar (HbA1c) in fact this analysis as an indicator of the average blood sugar in the three months preceding the analysis The value of this analysis do not Affected if there is a relative disorder in blood sugar briefly
Is it important that the patient knows the value of
cumulative analysis of blood sugar?
Of course important but very important Patient's parents did not know the value of cumulative analysis of blood sugar Such as the Sea sailing in the middle of the ocean and has no compass to determine the direction of you can imagine how it would be unchanged. And to any direction vector is!! Cumulative value analysis of blood sugar (HbA1c) is the index which indicates the good sugar control The proposed value is to be less than 7%.
sugary culture