For the prevention of gum disease and tooth loss, must give serious attention to control blood sugar and healthy teeth and gums.
● Good blood sugar control: .. And self-measurement of blood sugar and follow-up doctor to adjust the doses of drugs to maintain good levels of blood sugar and proposed by the medical staff, and whenever a good blood sugar control the less the risk of gum disease and tooth.
● Brushing your teeth with a brush at least three times a day: .. The best way is to clean teeth after eating three main meals and use a soft brush, preferably toothpaste contains fluoride, and should avoid the use of the brush violently which leads to gum agitation.
● Use flossing to clean between the teeth: .. This thread helps to remove plaque between teeth, there are good types of leads that contain a waxy substance facilitates the process of entering floss between the teeth.
● Maintaining clean teeth regularly with the dentist: .. It is important that you clean your teeth with a dental specialist at least twice a year and leave the doctor cleans teeth and gums. With inform your doctor that you have diabetes.
● If you want to do a private dental: .. If you want to do a private dental it is best to contact your dentist specialist diabetes and to adjust doses as necessary. And perhaps also use antibiotic to prevent infection Bakthreh.
● Try to see the gums and note any symptoms of gum disease: .. If there signs of gum disease such as redness, swelling, or easy bleeding it is best to see the dentist. As well as other brands such as dry mouth, oral Ooalam.
● Abstinence from smoking: .. Smoking increases the risk of all the serious complications for people with diabetes, including gum disease. Tried to contact your doctor to find a way to help you quit smoking.
In fact diabetes treatment (for the moment) is to oblige with diabetes the same treatment and the application of the concept of self-treatment of people with diabetes, including his interest in gum and dental safety. So as to ensure a healthy life better.
sugary culture