Good blood sugar control in pregnant women sick with sugar.. Reduce abortions. The mother and child protection from some complications

Good control of blood sugar is the best way to prevent complications of diabetes during pregnancy. In fact when it comes to diabetes during pregnancy. Good Control in blood sugar is the first thing that comes to the minds of the medical team. Unlike, for example, to talk about diabetes and travel, where the doctor would reassure first provision of treatment tablets or injections for the traveler. But in pregnancy.. Good control blood sugar.. Good control of blood sugar. And now even know what that would have good control of blood sugar before and during pregnancy.. Know that:
Reduces abortions or the birth of a baby is dead:   Good control of blood sugar reduces operations Aborting or the birth of deceased births, a goal that we seek him. 
Reduces the birth of baby has birth defects:   Good control of blood sugar reduces the birth of baby has birth defects such as malformations that affect the brain, spine and heart. 
Reduces a huge live births:   If you can not control blood sugar level was high during pregnancy, this increase in blood sugar be accompanied by an increase flow of sugar to the fetus which leads to increased secretion of the hormone insulin from the pancreas of the fetus, and is well known that the hormone insulin hormone ... Building ... Any increases the size of the body, then your fetus is huge, and this therefore makes it difficult to natural childbirth and also put the fetus at risk of injury during childbirth. Fortunately found that good control of blood sugar reduces the incidence of this inflation. 
Works on preventing mother of some complications:   Good control of blood sugar works on prevention of high blood pressure and some other complications, as well as keep the complications arising from diabetes such as retinal disorder, keep these complications as it is not evolve into the worst. 
Works to protect the fetus complications:   Sometimes after the situation or birth process and due to the presence of high amount of the hormone insulin in the blood of the fetus as I mentioned earlier, fetus situation of a sharp drop in blood sugar because the source of high blood sugar (which is the parent) ended by birth. Control good blood sugar helps to have a good baby's blood sugar.
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