Diabetes type II.. Obesity. Genetics. Lack of physical activity. Diabetes during pregnancy

Diabetes type II. Obesity. Genetics.

In fact, scientific research in the field of diabetes unable to figure out why some people develop diabetes and others do not get .. But it was found that one of the most important factors that increase the increased incidence of type II diabetes is the following mentioned later .. It is however advisable work analyzing the blood sugar in the case of a person exceeds the age of 45 years if analysis naturally advised re-analysis every three years, but may be more appropriate to work analysis at an early age more and re-analysis more if a person has one or more of the Factors that increase the increased incidence of type II diabetes following:

Obesity .. Obesity is defined as when the body bloc index more than 30 kg / sqm. 

The presence of a family member (father, mother, brother, sister) suffering from diabetes and type II private. 

Diabetes during pregnancy (GDM) or having a baby weighing more than 4 kg. 
Prediabetes is a state of uneasiness in blood sugar so that the blood sugar levels between normal rates and high rates as mentioned above. 

Inactivity and lack of exercise sports activities. 

  • People with high blood pressure (greater than or equal to 140/90 mm/hg). 
  • Your HDL cholesterol is less than or equal to 35 mg/dL or your triglycerides are greater than or equal to 250 mg/dL or a combination of both. 
  • If a person already has vascular disease. 
  • There are cysts of the ovaries (PCOS) that make women more likely to develop diabetes. 

Analysis and diagnosis: 

  If a person has no doubt that diabetic or had one or more of the above factors, which help in diabetes .. Or developed some symptoms are excessive thirst and urination constantly and failure and weakness in body weight or any other symptoms, Fujb go to the doctor, .. Who will perform some tests to make sure diabetes or not. 

  There are several blood tests that are used to detect diabetes: 

Analysis of the blood sugar in a random sample of blood:   Regardless of how long ago the last meal or eat ate, if the value of blood sugar More or equal to 200 mg / dL with symptoms .. Considered sufficient for the diagnosis of diabetes. 

Analysis of the patient's blood sugar and fasting:

 .. In the morning before breakfast (patient fasting) after 8 hours or more on the last meal or eat eaten .. If blood sugar more than or equal to 126 mg / dL (twice) is sufficient for the diagnosis of diabetes. 

Note: To see the natural values ​​of blood sugar and sugar values ​​for pre-diabetes (Prediabetes). 

If diagnosed with diabetes because in most cases the doctor will make some other tests to determine Are you infected with type I or type II diabetes. Because therapeutic policy for kidneys types differ from each other. In the first type of diabetes be the amount of insulin in blood are very few or no insulin at all, that there are some types of blood antibodies against some components of beta cells. As well as the work of analysis to make sure presence Ketone acids in the urine, a waste resulting from the consumption of fat for energy production .. Then the doctor may do cumulative analysis of blood sugar (HbA1c), a task that tests help the doctor and patient to see a response diabetes treatment is an important indicator to know you really control blood sugar for diabetic or not.?. Note that the goal is a cumulative value analysis of blood sugar less than 7%.
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