Treatment of pulmonary pressure and patient follow-up.. Increase the work efficiency of the heart. Extended drugs such as pulmonary artery Viagra

In the case of secondary pulmonary disease pressure, appropriate treatment should be according to the real cause of the disease. 
Can not see the remaining time in the lives of patients before their deaths more precisely, but the disease of serious diseases is very, which period shall not exceed infected a few years without proper treatment and some estimated life expectancy of patients with type initial period not exceeding three years, but may increase or decrease by each case. Although not a complete recovery from this disease, but that there are treatments and medications can be used for patients with this disease, especially the first part has appeared many new research and studies during the past few years, which led to an improvement in patients and some of these treatments: 
* Blood thinning drugs to prevent clots frequent. 
* Drugs increase the work efficiency of the heart. 
* Diuretics to relieve pulmonary congestion. 
* Extended medicines for pulmonary artery such as Viagra. 
* Calcium stabilizers and drugs that must be used with caution under the direct supervision of a physician. 
* Ashaddam home oxygen largest possible period. 
* Medication Busntan Bosentan: which leads to the low pressure of the lungs to work through existing Alandoethelan receptors in the wall of blood vessels. 
* Medicine Aloabobrostnol: and that is given intravenously and reducing the pressure inside the blood vessels in the lungs, leading to improved athletic ability of the patient and reduce physical disability.
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