Treat stomach ulcers between medicine and surgery.. Reduce acid secretions in the stomach. Reduce contributions from bleeding and Hole stomach

Development of ulcer treatment significantly during the last thirty years of his byim Discovery portant, the first discovery of drugs is highly effective in reducing acid secretions in the stomach (Chloridric Acid) , And the second discovery of bacteria that we have mentioned previously, so that contributed to two factors mentioned in mitigation of ulcer complications and thus reduce the number of surgeries that was Istojbha treatment previously. Currently, the treatment of ulcers on two important elements drugs that reduce stomach secretions (Anti Pomp H +) on the one hand and antibiotics (Antibiotics) against MRSA on the other. The latest mix revolution in the treatment of ulcers, which now are in a very short time. It has also become possible to do without surgery in more than 98 percent of the cases, in addition to the reduction of contributions from bleeding and ulcer perforation and stomach Tstm . You referred to the two types of ulcers: stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, what is the difference between them?
Similar symptoms and treatment methods in both types, but the gastric ulcer prone to turning cancerous in some cases, and therefore should be monitored periodically by the telescope on average once a month until her recovery, while this risk is almost nonexistent in duodenal ulcer.
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