More people infected with IBS are Mrhvo people sense, Valcolon is thermometer (thermometer) human nerves, and doctors have confirmed that more than 80% of irritable bowel syndrome reveal a lifestyle characterized by tension and anxiety, and treatment is based on changing behavioral patterns accustomed to.
There is a close relationship between the colon and the autonomic nervous system, this device that plays all the internal organs is issued orders accelerated heartbeat when fear and cause an increase secretions saliva when watching food and thus produce stomach Acid, may lead the autonomic nervous system to speed the movement of colon Faisab human diarrhea or reduce the speed of movement Faisab constipated.
And indicates Dr. Mohammed club consultant gastrointestinal and liver, to the colon does not have any role in the digestion of food but water is absorbed only and remain stored for waste digestion process is known for irritable bowel syndrome variety and diversity and start feeling of fullness rapid stomach during or after a meal directly as well as flatulence rapid with pain lower abdomen beside the left and right with the disorder in the operations of the output between chronic diarrhea or constipation is chronic, has been a patient complains of back pain, giving a false impression of the existence of a problem in bone and are often accompanied IBS narrow respiratory pain upper abdomen and irregular in rhythm heart, when these symptoms appear? .. Answers Dr. club, saying: when the human is exposed to pressure or tension or neurological defects fears concern.
Style diet of his points, Dr. Abdul Latif Reza professor digestive that drug therapy in the case of irritable bowel syndrome just a catalyst, while the real cure lies in a healthy diet, man injured IBS doctor himself and he should know the motivating factors for raising Colouna and stay away from them.
It enemies colon for the majority of patients pickles of all kinds and dishes spicy (saturated Palmthblat), a material which does not absorb causing irritation attached to the mucosa of the colon, as there are some foods increase the troubles colon should stay away from them as much as possible, such as foods that contain sulfur Kalfjel, onions, garlic, cabbage, broccoli It watermelon, guava fruit as well as dry beans Kallobaa, beans, dairy products, and the patient discovers over time foods that cause him trouble and raise Colouna and him to stay away from them immediately.
And because of stress and anxiety and fear enemies of the colon nervous should as far as possible to avoid these feelings and lifestyle change is encouraging these negative emotions, and advised Dr. Abdul Latif patients IBS attendance to exercise them walking and refrain from fatty foods and before that should see a doctor from time to time to make sure that IBS just behind the symptoms felt by the patient due to the similarity of these symptoms with other diseases Such infections bitterness and chronic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.