The mercurial pressure device the most popular and widely used to frequent its effectiveness in terms of accuracy in Measurement reverse and other electronic devices because there error rate and be read Rough and fast holidays and mistake in the highlands not withstand the vibrations And shocks.
1 - the tank: Be located the bottom of the device contains mercury It is protected from the force out the open air allergens to enter and exit mercury and there is a lever on the front to open and close the path of mercury and also a place to sit tube proves Tank by a screw from the bottom at the gate of the device.
2 - glass tube: read During which the level of mercury sitting in the place allocated in the tank
The existence of a rubber point is strictly To drain the mercury and prove on a ruler numbers at the gate Device the upper hand There is also a stopper rubber point with a filter allows the passage of Air without mercury and this Sealer prove the tube from the top without moving and fixed.
3 - Blower: oval-shaped palm-sized Hand when the rear hatch slots valve (where metal ball at
Blower pressure due Back to close the gate forcing air rushes toward the front bezel) and when the extension of the palm Hand air enters through the valve into the blower chamber either side of the slot Another valve front allows the passage of air into the bag without returning to the rubber Blower by circular lever when closed when opened because the air drains Which.
4 - rubber bag and its cover is made of cloth: consists of a bag made of Rectangular rubber installed on it Khrthoman also rubber (one piece) proves within Cloth bag proves one of the hoses in the tank and the other slot in the slot LED tube Front of the blower.
blood pressure