Iodine.. A component of thyroid hormone, which is produced by the thyroid gland. Cell proliferation and reproduction. Stop the growth of children's physical, mental

Obtained from the study and interest among scientists more than any other element and the reason is thyroid disease outbreaks in many countries of the world as a result of the lack of this element of their diet.
Sources are limited as it unavailable, to the marine animals such as fish and plant watercress and Paper cabbage, and is one of the mineral elements necessary presence in the food rights because a component of thyroid hormone, which is produced by the thyroid gland and become growth naturally and body intact he may role in cell proliferation and reproduction because iodine deficiency is not limited to that suffering, but also to children who come in small Such as dwarfs sizes with mental weakness.
If beware that reduces iodine from your diet and only cause iodine deficiency in children stop their physical, mental and infected patient By Imbecility and deficiency results in the body to goitre which is found in the neck area, and low body temperature and low pulse rate and breathing, dry skin, and also causes Bulging eyes and lack of vitality.
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