Divided blood pressure into two parts: the two systolic blood pressure, and diastolic pressure, but for the systolic pressure is the pressure on the artery walls moment constriction heart during the process of pumping blood to the outside, he is always the top number, and but for the diastolic pressure is the pressure on the walls of the arteries during diastole heart to allow blood to him, he is always the least number, and often play age group an important role in determining the natural pressure.
The high blood pressure from common diseases and spread a disease often dangerous, especially at a young age and the reasons for the existence of this disease, heart disorders, endocrine diseases and tumors, and mental and neurological cases,
Taking certain medications such as drugs to prevent pregnancy in women, atherosclerosis, one of the most important and most reasons for the high blood pressure and often results in increasing the proportion of fat deposited under the lining of arteries and here the artery injured sclerosis squeamish and get nervous when a network nerves any emotion myself of what causes high blood pressure, and if hit renal arteries sclerosis, this leads to atrophy and disability in, Daúv kidneys causing high blood pressure significantly and noticeably.
blood pressure