1. Some think that salt causes high pressure and this is not true, but salt increases the problem in patients for this first what should be ascertained is to reduce salt in all foods and reduce reliance on canned food because sodium used as Preservative.
2. A balanced diet is very important for patients must be food has all the nutrients.
3. Reduce the weight of one of the most important means of treatment
4. Reduced-fat eating low-fat food or non-fat disease if accompanied with other diseases such as heart problems or diabetes.
5. Moderate exercise commensurate with the status of the person and the best walking, which must not be less than 30 minutes most days of the week.
6. Quitting smoking
7. Reduce or prevent the intake of caffeine found in coffee, tea, cola drinks and must be prevented addressed before doing mathematical exercise.
8. Completely stop Drinks alcoholic.
blood pressure