Herbal medicines for diabetes.. Nigella sativa. Jakas. Bitter gourd. Korean option. Onions and garlic. Ring. Marshmallow plant. Black tea. Figs

Herbal medicines for diabetes:

A study of modern scientific that caraway and components of the oil have a clear impact in reducing blood sugar for older persons with diabetes and those with increased blood lipids, and confirmed the study, prepared by Amal Said Abdel Azim, National Research Center in Cairo to get a doctorate degree, the study focused on the biological effects and immune from giving a group of elderly people with diabetes and patients with increased blood lipids as well as patients anemia Capsules cumin and its oil (700 mg and 450 mg) 3 times a day, respectively for a period of three months, and study called the possibility of the use of Nigella sativa for the elderly who suffer of disease increase the percentage of fat in the blood disease anemia in addition to the treatment of infections where they have improved the human immune system.

habat al Baraka:

A recent scientific study has proven that Nigella sativa and its components from the oil have a clear effect in reducing blood sugar for elderly people with diabetes and those with increased blood lipids. Doctorate, that the study focused on the biological and immunological effects resulting from giving a group of elderly people with diabetes mellitus and patients with increased blood lipids, as well as patients with anemia, of black seed capsules and its oil (700 mg and 450 mg) 3 times a day, respectively, for a period of three months, and the study demanded The possibility of using Nigella sativa for the elderly who suffer from a disease of increased blood lipids and anemia, in addition to treating infections, as it improved the human immune system.


It is a small herbal plant known scientifically as neurolaena lobata, and in 1989 AD a doctor from Florida wrote to Dr. Walter Mertz, Director of the Department of Agriculture in the United States of America at the Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland, attached a sample of the jackass plant and told him that one of the diabetics in his clinic She used this herb that she brought from the island of Trinidad and she had type 2 diabetes and she was taking insulin until she used this plant, which she used to infuse twice a day, and she no longer used insulin and continued to use it for six months, and now she She is in good health, her sugar is normal, and she is still using this plant.

He asked Dr. Walter to identify the plant and what substances this plant contains. After analyzing the plant, it turned out that it contained the following chemicals:

Sesquiterpene lactones, where eight compounds were separated from this group, the most important of which were neurolinin “1”, neurolinin “2”, and germarkinolides “3,6”. The drug also contains thymol derivatives, flavonoids and hydrophilic compounds.

Zenith the Planet has announced the introduction of the amazing product, the herb neurolaena lobata, and this herb is considered one of the most important herbs for healing.

Bitter gourd:

A creeping herbaceous plant scientifically known as momordica charantia, and popularly known by several names such as kerala, balsamic pear, and Korean cucumber. bitter.

I began research on the fruits of this plant in 1960, where studies have shown that these fruits can control the level of blood sugar in patients with diabetes. And in a clinical experiment conducted on humans, it was found that 5 grams (about two teaspoons) of dry fruit powder taken daily reduced blood sugar by an average of 54%, and in another study, 50 milliliters were taken, “about a quarter cup of fruit extract, as it reduced blood sugar by 20%.

A scientific study was carried out in the Department of Pharmacognosy at the College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, where Dr. Jaber bin Salem Al-Qahtani studied several plants, including the fruits of bitter gourd, and proved the effectiveness of these fruits in reducing blood sugar, but there are other plants that were distinct from this plant. This research was published in International Journal of crude Dirg Research, 1985.

The fruits of this plant can be eaten as they are, or they can be squeezed, or a decoction can be made from them, whereby four ounces of freshly cut fruits are taken, immersed in a liter of water and boiled until the amount of water reaches half a “half liter”, filtered and drunk once a day.

Is it dried before cooking or raw, not cooked?  

Can the two tablespoons of bitter gourd powder be mixed with milk or tea to reduce the bitterness?

 And how to use, is it on an empty stomach or after breakfast or dinner, and the approximate duration of use..

 Should we take sugar pills and an insulin needle with it?

- Bitter gourd is dried raw without cooking, and the two tablespoons can be mixed if you like with milk or tea, and use is usually before eating, and the approximate period of use is six weeks, then you stop a week and start using it again, it can be used with tablets, but you must not stop Tablets, and you can consult with the doctor who specializes in its use and analysis for those who use insulin injections.

Korean option:

A reader asks about the fruits of bitter gourd, are they found in vegetable markets, and is it eaten raw or cooked, or is it dried, ground and used as skewers, and does he eat it regularly? And you have mentioned that the fruit can be eaten as it is and it performs the same effect, and it can be squeezed or boiled from it, or cut and immersed in a liter of water and boiled until the amount of water reaches half a liter and drunk once a day.

 How much is the used quantity of these fruits that are cut and boiled with water?

- The fruits of squash or Korean cucumbers are found in large markets and are sold with vegetables just like regular cucumbers, and it differs from ordinary cucumbers by the presence of prominent bumps on it and its stubble-like appearance.

It can be eaten raw or cooked or in the form of a powder after drying it raw and using two tablespoons of the powder and it can be used in the form of a lozenge for the patient to use for six weeks, but after coordination with the specialist, and the medicine that you are currently using should not be left and you should use them together and do the analysis Day after day and under the supervision of a specialist, who can guide you to continue or stop it, and after six weeks you can rest for a week and then repeat use.

As for the second method, it is eating the fruit as it is, or cutting it and boiling it with water, so that 120 grams of Korean cucumber is taken and eaten, squeezed, or cut into small pieces and placed in a liter of water, and boiled until the volume of water is half a liter, cooled and filtered, then drunk once. one a day.

Onion and Garlic:

Onions and garlic are dietary supplements that have been used for centuries to treat diabetes, especially in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Garlic is similar to onions in its effect, but onions are stronger in the field of diabetes. It is said that eating fresh garlic is better. Something, if possible, to reduce sugar, and garlic cooked with food can do the same.

Many studies have been done on onions and garlic in the field of diabetes, and among the studies, what was done by Dr. Jaber bin Salem Al-Qahtani at the College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, on plants used in Saudi folk medicine, which included onions and garlic on experimental animals, where he got On distinctive results of onions and garlic, this research was published in the International Journal of Drug Raw Materials Research.

He also conducted another study on onions among other plants, and it was proved that onions have the ability to reduce blood sugar by about 40%. This research was published in the journal (IRCS Medical SCi) in Britain, and onions have distinct effects other than its effect on blood sugar. It is antibiotic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, soothing and expectorant.

It also affects the blood circulation, especially for people who suffer from angina pectoris, and garlic has similar effects, as it is based on reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, tuberculosis infection, a blood thinner, and in the treatment of urinary tract infection, in addition to being a killer of many types of bacteria. .

The ring:

Herbaceous plant around me and the used part of the fenugreek plant, seeds and germinated seeds (germinated seeds are found in large markets such as Al-Azizia, Panda, Al-Tamimi, Yormarshah, and others).

Fenugreek has been used for hundreds of years, and it has been said that if people knew the benefits in it, they would buy it for its weight in gold, and many scientific studies have worked on fenugreek seeds all over the world, and among those studies was what was done by Dr. Jaber bin Salem Al-Qahtani, Department of Pharmacognosy, King Saud University, studied its effect on blood sugar, and the study published in the Journal (Medical Science) proved that fenugreek has a good effect on lowering blood sugar. .

Fenugreek is considered one of the safest medicines for this purpose, and in addition to lowering blood sugar, it lowers cholesterol, decreases liver cancer, and also produces milk for lactating women.

Some of the herbal medicines useful for the treatment of diabetes, the marshmallow plant:
It is an annual herb known scientifically as Althaea officinalis, and the part of the plant used to lower blood sugar is the roots. The effect of reducing blood sugar is due to gels, which range between 25-35%, and pectin, which is found at a rate ranging between 1-12%. The marshmallow plant has many uses. The flowers and leaves, along with the roots, are used as an expectorant, sedative, diuretic, anti-lithic, anti-inflammatory, and for gastric and duodenal ulcers. There are preparations from marshmallow found in the local markets in the form of capsules, mixtures, tinctures, and tea bags.

Bay Laurel:

The laurel plant is a large perennial tree known scientifically as Laurus nobilis, and the used part of the plant is leaves and volatile oil. Gelatinous substances, tannins and resinous materials.

The Greeks and Romans used it as a medicinal substance, and bay leaves are used to treat problems of the upper digestive system and to treat pain resulting from disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, and bay leaves stimulate appetite and increase the secretion of digestive juices.

Doctor Richard Anderson says that bay leaves work to help the body use insulin in a better way, and the dose used is 500 milligrams of leaf powder (about half a teaspoon), and he studied the effect of leaves on experimental animals and gave good results.


It is a perennial tree plant known scientifically as Gymnem Sylvestre, and the used part of it is the leaves and sometimes the stems. The original home of this plant is India and Africa, but it is currently cultivated in most countries of the world.

The Indians have used this plant for many centuries to treat diabetes, and in recent years several studies have been done on experimental animals and on humans, and the effectiveness of the leaves of this plant has been proven to treat blood sugar, and it has been proven that the leaves of this plant increase insulin secretion in patients with the first type, ie insulin dependent.

It was found that the leaves of this plant contain glucose called gymnemin. This plant has been studied on insulin-dependent people, where the leaves were tested on 27 diabetics who take insulin because they are the first type, and the study has proven that the leaves are based on stimulating insulin production from the pancreas.

It has also been proven that this plant is considered a drug that has no side effects despite its long-term use, and there are standardized preparations of this drug in the form of capsules, and diabetics who take insulin should not use this plant except after coordination with the specialist. .

Black tea:

Tea is a perennial herbaceous plant, the part of which is used is fresh soft leaves, and black tea is prepared from those leaves. The Indians did a study on black tea on experimental animals. black tea.

Due to the distinguished capabilities of the Department of Drugs and the Research Center for Medicinal, Aromatic and Toxic Plants and the Research Center in the College of Pharmacy at King Saud University, in terms of high-quality laboratories, distinguished academic competencies, or rare devices that are not found in any other scientific institution in the Kingdom.

In the light of these distinguished capabilities and devices, distinguished research was carried out on various plants in the Kingdom, whether they were medicinal, poisonous or aromatic. Dr. Jaber and his colleagues conducted a comprehensive survey of all plants that are believed to have a significant impact on blood sugar, and they were able to identify a large number One of the plants that gave a good effect against diabetes and the results were published in international scientific journals.

Among the most important results reached by Dr. Jaber is the separation of a new chemical compound that is considered the first of its kind and has never been separated from any other plant. This compound is considered a new addition to the science of chemistry. Also, this compound has a lowering effect on blood sugar. A patent for this compound has been registered in the United States of America. And he was given the name (Saudin), then a famous university in the United States of America chemically constructed this compound, and they reached the final formula for the compound after ten years, and the method of construction was published in the most prestigious American magazines.

Dr. Jaber has published three papers in three different international scientific journals. He also separated 12 compounds from the same plant, one of which was named Ricardin and has the same effect as the Saudi compound. And since the boat is Saudis, it has become a building, so we hope that God will benefit from it in the near future.

The 12 Saudi plants have given distinct results against diabetes, but since their side effects have not been fully studied, we cannot mention the Its water is for fear that it will be misused, especially since some of it is considered poisonous.


This mineral is considered one of the most important minerals for the production of insulin from the pancreas and is usually given to patients with type 1 diabetes who depend on insulin. This mineral is found in apples, beef, yeast, liver, butter, chicken, corn, eggs, sweet potatoes, onion peels, tomatoes and all kinds of grains. Chromium metal contributes to glucose metabolism, helps in insulin production, regulates blood sugar, and reduces insulin excess. It also reduces cholesterol, reduces weight, and increases muscle tissue. It also helps to transport glucose to the tissues and there are preparations of it in the local markets

Prickly pear (Nopal):

It is a perennial herbaceous plant with large, elongated, disc-shaped leaves with thorns. It has yellow to orange flowers. Its fruits are large, the size of an oval pear, and have a sweet taste. This plant is spread in most regions of the world, and the Taif and Abha regions and the cold regions in the Kingdom are famous for its best types, and its fruits are among the beloved and favorite fruits in the summer. Known scientifically as Opuntia Ficus - indica .. The used part of the plant leaves, flowers and fruits.

Laboratory studies have shown that prickly pear leaves reduce blood sugar and cholesterol, as well as obesity. In a recent study that worked on the stems of the parchment, it was found that patients with diabetes who are not dependent on insulin and who fasted for 12 hours when they ate an extract of the stems of the plant had a significant decrease in sugar and an increase in their insulin rate. In another study on the leaves, it was proven that they improve the performance of insulin, and it was said that the leaves and stems of prickly pear can have great power in treating diabetes for non-insulin dependents. There is a preparation of parchment leaves sold in the market in a rationed form. Oisah.

Bilbenny mountain blueberry

A perennial herbaceous plant with small leaves and black grape-shaped fruits known scientifically as Vaccinium myrtillus and contains tannins, fruit acids, sugars and glucose, and the leaves contain arbutin. The plant has been used for a long time in the treatment of blood sugar and reduces it, especially in cases of late-onset diabetes. It also increases insulin production. One of the uses of the plant is that it is a tonic, antiseptic, anti-emetic, and antiseptic for the urinary system. It should be noted that this plant reduces sugar well, so people with diabetes who need insulin should not take this herb in a drenched form without consulting a specialist or qualified doctor.

Bitter Melon or Bitter apple

The bitter melon is a perennial creeping herbaceous plant whose original station is the desert regions, especially in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The bitter melon is one of the extremely bitter plants, and it is usually used as a proverb. It is said (command by a handful). turn yellow. The fruit is smooth.. It contains a spongy pulp, which is attributed to the strong laxative effect. The bitter melon is considered one of the strongest laxatives ever. It also contains a large number of seeds among the spongy pulp. The seeds of bitter melon are called “Hbid”.. All its parts are used from the bitter melon plant, except that the material used In reducing blood sugar are the seeds, especially the seed cover known as “Qusra”, and the bitterness of bitterness in the seeds must be eliminated by washing them several times with water and salt.

A combination of most of the above herbal medicines and chromium is called Blood Suganr
For example, an American company called (Nature's Way) has formulated a natural recipe used to treat diabetes, which is in the form of capsules. This recipe includes 420 mg of parchment leaves, 255 mg of wild rose leaves, 260 mg of fenugreek seeds, 150 mg of each of the fruits of Korean cucumber and bitter melon seeds, and 75 mg of extract. Dry gymnema plant, 66 mg of gymnemic acid extracted from the leaves, chromium polynicolinate by 300 micrograms and vitamin A by 1505 units.

Important note: This drug should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women, and it should not be used by diabetics unless after coordination with the specialist doctor.

The mummy

Mumia is a homogeneous mixture of plant secretions and animal and mineral derivatives that are similar in shape to solid bitumen, but sometimes they are brown to brown or black as can be seen in the picture. These pits or depressions are filled with mumia, which is collected under certain supervision, cut into pieces, and exported to all parts of the world. Mummies are found in specific places in the world, such as the Himalayas, Nepal, Altaia, Pamir, Iran, Kashmir, and some Russian regions. Mumia has several names, as it is known in Persian as asphalt, stinking lake bitumen, shlajit, and mineral asphalt.

Mummy has been used in Indian medicine for thousands of years to treat many diseases, the most important of which is the treatment of wounds and fractures, as well as the treatment of chronic bronchitis and asthma. It is sexually stimulating, anti-ulcer, sugar-reducing and anti-inflammatory. Recent studies have shown that mummy contains many chemical compounds, the most important of which are fulvic acid and humic acid. Triple terpenes, sterols, carboxylic organic acids, lagic, benzoic acid, hippuric acid, benzocoumarin, resin, fatty acids and amino acids, the most important of which are: glycine, methionine, asparagine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, tyrosine and phenylalanine.

One of the most important modern uses of mummy is its use against diabetes, as it increases the level of insulin in diabetics, and it also maintains the balance of blood sugar, as mummy activates the immune system and is anti-inflammatory, in addition to its work as an anti-ulcer of the stomach and duodenum based on the movement of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus And magnesium to muscle and bone tissues, and mummy is one of the best medicines for a dependentThe wounds.

One of the precautions that must be followed is not to increase the dose, as mummy contains hippuric acid and coumarin, which cause blood thinning.

The suggested doses are 200 mg two to three times a day for 25 to 30 days, and treatment can be repeated one to two weeks after stopping treatment.
Ginseng: Canadian researchers found, in three experiments they conducted on animals and humans, that ginseng has a hypoglycemic effect, that is, it helps to reduce blood glucose levels, whether in patients with or without diabetes.

The first study, in which three grams of ginseng or a regular drug was given to nine people with type 2 diabetes, and ten others without the disease, followed by a solution containing 25 grams of glucose sugar by mouth, showed that the group that took the herb experienced a decrease in In blood sugar by 22-28%, compared to the group that took a regular drug.

The researchers noted that ginseng reduced blood sugar among non-diabetics when they consumed it only 40 minutes before the sugar solution, while it succeeded in reducing sugar levels in patients, whether they consumed it with or before the sugar solution.

In the second study, which was based on a comparison of different doses of American ginseng 3, 6 and 9 grams for a group of diabetics, it was found by the researchers that all doses caused the same positive effect in reducing blood sugar levels, and at any time ranging from zero to 120 minutes. Eat it before the sugar solution.

In the third study, which was conducted in the same way as the second study, but on 12 healthy people without diabetes, scientists confirmed that all doses of ginseng succeeded in reducing blood sugar by 11.4%, but it was only effective when given 40 minutes before consuming the sugar solution.

Cinnamon “students”:

Scientists say that a substance extracted from cinnamon may protect against diabetes, which affects adults. Cinnamon, which is commonly used in cooking, may help the body deal with sugary substances more effectively. One of the scientists who conducted the latest research urged people to use cinnamon more often to reap the greatest benefit. from this article.

It is noteworthy that adult-onset diabetes, which is called type-2, is more common than diabetes that appears in children, which depends on the hormone insulin. This disease affects millions of people all over the world, and leads to many early deaths. The disease results from the body's cells not responding to insulin, which is responsible for metabolizing sugars, which leads to an increase in blood sugar.

Increased blood sugar leads to many symptoms, such as feeling tired and losing weight, and leads to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. People with this disease are forced to make major adjustments in their diet and exercise to maintain their health.

Cell reactivation

But scientists from the American Agricultural Research Foundation's nutrition laboratories in the US state of Maryland found that a substance extracted from the cinnamon plant can reactivate cells that have stopped responding to insulin, making them more responsive to the aforementioned hormone.

Researchers have found that cinnamon increases sugar processing by 20 times. As for the substance responsible for this, it is called MHCB, which has been shown in experiments conducted on mice to be effective in lowering blood sugar.

The head of the research team, Richard Andersen, said that clinical trials of this substance will begin within one year, but Andersen said that he advises people to use more cinnamon in their diet.

But a spokeswoman for the charity Diabetes in Britain warned of this, and said it was too early to give such advice. The spokeswoman said that while she welcomes all the research that is being conducted on this topic, it is better to wait. It is reported that other researchers have discovered other benefits of cinnamon, as it has proven effective in treating food poisoning caused by infection with E. coli bacteria.

A handful of nuts every week protects you from diabetes:

According to a new study conducted by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, women who enjoy eating a handful of almonds, walnuts, peanuts, or peanut butter per week are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who rarely eat these foods.

And the American researchers found that the risk of developing diabetes was about 27% lower for women who ate five ounces of nuts each week than those who ate little or no nuts, and indicated that this risk was reduced by 16% for those who ate these foods at a rate of one ounce. to four ounces each week, although there are other factors that increase the odds of disease.

The new study believes that the unsaturated fats found in nuts may improve the body's ability to use the hormone insulin, which regulates blood sugar, and also supports the results of previous research that showed that eating nuts may be associated with a lower risk of developing heart diseases that are also affected by insulin and blood sugar levels.

Experts advise using nuts rich in fat as alternatives to other foods such as meat and refined grain products, because adding more calories contributes to weight gain, which increases the risk of diabetes and heart injuries.

After following the eating habits of about 84,000 women in the United States, whose ages ranged from 34 to 59 years for a period of 16 years, without diabetes, heart disease or cancer at the beginning of the study, the researchers found that women who ate one-ounce portions of nuts and peanut butter were the least likely to For diabetes, while the risk did not change for those who did not eat these foods, and the risk decreased for those who ate at least five servings.of nuts each week by about 20%, and decreased by about 8% only for those who ate less than one serving per week.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of the disease, and it is usually associated with obesity. It appears in adults and the elderly, and causes a number of complications when neglected, such as blindness, amputation of limbs, kidney failure, nerve damage, and heart disease.

It is also possible to use cress, in addition to chemical medicines, to regulate sugar, then use ground fenugreek, organize meals, and gradually withdraw the chemical medicine. Because oral diabetes medications lead to pancreatic indigestion; Which turns a type 2 diabetic patient; i.e. adult sugar to the first type; That is, dependent on insulin from the outside, and to avoid this, it is possible to ration meals, and use cress with fenugreek at a rate of 3 grams before each meal. On the authority of Qais bin Rafi’ Al-Qaisi that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “What is in the two matters of healing: healing and patience?” [Abu Dawud included it in his correspondents and Al-Bayhaqi, and it was transmitted by Al-Suyuti as a symbol for him with weakness (the overflow of the Almighty)]. That the love of Rashad works to increase the effective insulin; Because it contains high amounts of sulfur. Diabetes and honey Dr. Ibrahim bin Abdullah Al-Aridi, who holds a PhD and a master’s degree in food sciences and nutrition, properties of therapeutic bee products

What is the miracle fruit for diabetics?

Miracle fruit, Synsepalum dulcificum, is commonly known to be an alternative sweetener. It makes sour food taste sweet by affecting the tongue's taste receptors. It also shows beneficial health effects, such as antioxidant, anti‐inflammatory, and antihyperglycemic activities.

Can diabetes go back to normal?

But yes, it may be possible to put your type 2 diabetes into remission. This is when your blood sugar levels are below the diabetes range and you don't need to take diabetes medication anymore. This could be life-changing.

What is the new diabetes treatment 2022?

Approval of the first immune therapy for type 1 diabetes

To that point, the biggest diabetes moment of 2022 for Anderson was the recent FDA approval of a new drug that can delay the onset of type 1 diabetes. Anderson said this announcement was “a huge deal.” The drug, teplizumab-mzwv, goes by the name Tzield.

What is the fastest way to cure diabetes?

Although there's no cure for type 2 diabetes, studies show it's possible for some people to reverse it. Through diet changes and weight loss, you may be able to reach and hold normal blood sugar levels without medication. This doesn't mean you're completely cured. Type 2 diabetes is an ongoing disease.

What can cure diabetes permanently?

No cure for diabetes currently exists, but the disease can go into remission. When diabetes goes into remission, it means that the body does not show any signs of diabetes, although the disease is technically still present.

Which seeds helps to reduce diabetes?

Seeds like sunflower and flax seeds have a role in the reduction of glucose levels and can be used to treat type 2 diabetes. The bioactive components in these seeds like chlorogenic acid in sunflower seeds and secoisolariciresinol diglucosoid are involved in the treatment of insulin resistance or insulin production.

What plant leaves are good for diabetes?

Costus igneus, commonly known as insulin plant in India, belongs to the family Costaceae. Consumption of the leaves are believed to lower blood glucose levels, and diabetics who consumed the leaves of this plant did report a fall in their blood glucose levels.

What is the effect of Nigella sativa in diabetes?

Nigella sativa was shown to significantly improve laboratory parameters of hyperglycemia and diabetes control after treatment with a significant fall in fasting blood glucose, blood glucose level 2 h postprandial, glycated hemoglobin, and insulin resistance, and a rise in serum insulin.
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