Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Glandular cheilitis.. Oral inflammation of the salivary glands. Lock discharge nozzles oral salivary glands. Inflammation and expansion and redness nozzles the circle of lymph channels

** Constant inflammation of the salivary glands oral.
** Often affects the lower lip with the possibility of injury upper well.
** Often affects adult males.
** Caused by an unknown but can be attributed to several factors:
* Genetic factors and family.
* Smoking.
* Chronic exposure to sunlight (which can lead to lock discharge nozzles oral salivary glands and thus a congestion in these glands leads to inflammation).
* Wind and dust.
* Allergic factors (often immune).
* Affective disorders (especially female on February 14).
** Pretend this disorder:
* Lip swollen, stiff, overturned outside.
* Inflammation and expansion and redness nozzles the circle of lymph channels (see red spots on the lip) with exit sticky mucous secretions (saliva).
* Dkhamat nodular lip caused by enlarged salivary glands oral result Ahtkanaa.
** Types:
* Simple style: The most common. Pretends small lesions, multiple, non-painful and harsh.
* Style suppurative surface: pretending swelling hard, painless with centrist ulcers and deep (بيلتز disease Baelz Disease )
- Inflammation be more simple style.
* Style suppurative deep: pretending to deep infections with formation of abscesses and fistulas and scars, which are painful infections.
** Microscopically:
Hyperplasia in the salivary glands oral (and this is the reason for the severity in infected lip)
Chronic inflammatory infiltration under the skin.
Note: inflammation is the cause of excessive artificiality of the salivary glands.
* Treatment: There is no specific treatment, but it is recommended removal of the affected part, because it could turn to spiky cancer cells (as a result of repeated healing and infection).