Behaviors function on the process of repression.. Automated oblivion. Suppressed feelings of aggression. Pathological behavior

1 - oblivion automated, Kncian dentist appointment to avoid pain when a tooth off.
2 - not to visit a brother to his brother without justification, and that he felt very lovingly Lzo Jh his brother, for example, (a taboo), so the process of repression, even if does not have what he was able to continue in the same respect, that dared violated taboos heart desires.
3 - not the legalization of child aggressive feelings toward his father, who shall process repression, And deny himself those feelings, because if he admitted to breaking the ideals on which they grew up.
4 - sometimes up to the behavior of patients repression, Vmarb obsessive-compulsive disorder, for example, not the symptoms of this disease, but as a result of the suppression of homosexual tendencies, Eekptha Kpta is successful, you continue those tendencies beg to satisfy.
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