Treatment of severe bleeding.. Applied direct pressure on the wound with your fingers or the palm of your hand sterile dressing

When bleeding is severe, be effective and scary, shock may occur and can the patient loses consciousness. And if you do not control the bleeding may stop the heart. In the absence of a body in the wound:
1 - Wear gloves (disposable), if available.
2 - Applied direct pressure on the wound with your fingers or the palm of your hand a sterile dressing.
3 - Lift and assigned the affected limb above the level of the wounded person's heart to reduce the bleeding.
4 - Helped the patient to lie down on a blanket, if available, to cold Oukaath.
5 - Proven bandage bandage tightly enough to keep pressure on the wound.
6 - If there were more bleeding, apply dressings Second bandage first blood in case of leakage.
7 - Assigned the injured part Lift status through a ribbon or strap.
8 - Call an ambulance, and record pulse and respiration - and watch the signs of shock.
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