Consists of the immune system of the bone marrow, a factory that is the production of white blood cells and red blood platelets, and gland Iiemusah which is next to the heart in the chest, and the lymph nodes and spleen, and almonds and the lymph nodes, and blood cells · Not only that, but if we we look adorable made in members of the human body, we find that there is only member of a God made weapons and protective, eyes, nose and mouth and digestive tract, skin, liver, blood and other organs of the body, all equipped with defensive weapons and other offensive paid harm this.And our immune system is very complex, it consists of several lines of defense, formed forces or fixed cells in specific locations, and other mobile rapid deployment to enhance defense anywhere in the body when exposed to any external attack,
There antibodies to the qualities of different microbes, and swimming in the blood, which carry memory unmistakable of the microbe that has already dared to enter the fortress of the immune system forthcoming before that, then there are a group of proteins and enzymes that are device CMOS which plays an important role in the attack on the invading forces , and enclosed and enable immune system cells, including the secretion of chemicals equivalent to toxins, and other means of defense mechanical and chemical and what happens during the spy to know to install and configure the UFO that infiltration into the body, and then tell who was responsible or force entrusted with the face of this kind of invasion, cells that blowing resistant bacteria are different from those that attack viruses and cancer cells.
immune system