Often happens Palantrooudi poisoning Staphylococcus aureus food manufacturer in milk, eggs (ice cream, mayonnaise and cream and cream cheese, etc. ..) they are excellent environments for the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. Also cause poisoning usually products of minced meat and is very dangerous to leave half ready food and ready-to-time other meals at room temperature.
In order to prevent these poisonings must tighten control and caution to prevent the work of people who are sick workers in the production, manufacture and trading of food, especially living with them any infections and infections of the tonsils hands or various types Alonfeloisa and others. You must also save raw materials and semifinished food products made and finished products at low temperatures (less than + 510 m) that can stop or reduce the proliferation of Staphylococcus aureus.