Insulin can be injected into various parts of the body. And insulin injections in the abdomen near the stomach area is the fastest in the absorption and action of insulin, with the exception of the area surrounding Balsrh which has a Radius of two inches They contain solid fabric prevents absorption of insulin well. And giving insulin in the groin area slows down the speed of his work. When injected into the thighs are selected upper and external areas of the thighs because the injection in the interior region of the thighs may cause inflammation at the injection site as a result of friction legs. Preferably injection in this place and the patient in the sitting position. And insulin injections in the arm gives the effect of average speed. The region is using the background and external of the humerus when injection in the arm to the fact that this region ample amount of fatty tissue.
And you should consult your doctor about the best area in the body is insulin injections.
places insulin injections