Pesticide poisoning Alkloranih Member.. Weight loss and severe emaciation. Imbalance in liver function, such as fibrosis and mental disability and nervous tension and pain in the joints and bones

Chlorinated hydrocarbons
Include pesticides Pesticides That link to human and animal body and be health damage and remind them aldrin Aldrine And dieldrin dieldrin Lindane Lindane And Almitox chlorine Methoxychlor ChlordaneChlordane And Alkrbend Izim Carbendiazim I wanted DDT (2) (11,17,19) In many states use some campus such as aldrin Aldrin My parents Aldrin Dieldrin Which led to the decrease in the use of these chemicals in the country. It is well known toxic effects of PCB material Polychlorinated many PCB Poly chlorinated biphenyls And chlorine biphenyl.
And found many sources of global and local maximum level of pesticide residues Pesticide residues And the general when all meat except for mutton 0.05 - 1 ppm . The when mutton 2 ppm . 
There is no doubt that the irrational and wasteful consumption of pesticides and non-application of standards of scientific and general recommendations of the most important of the main reasons in pesticide contamination of food. Also important to us that call for a non-extravagant eating where circumstances Suit thus the accumulation of large amounts of toxic pesticides organic Alkloranih and other like Alddt in body fat. Not to mention the possibility of a direct poisoning or cancer and other diseases. It is also washing fruits and vegetables and soaked with clean water and peeling and slicing, soaking and washing again very important processes in reducing the rate of contamination with chemicals to a large extent, as well as the purification of water filtration. It is worth mentioning that the high heat, such as pasteurization, sterilization degrees can not totally eliminate the pesticides in liquids such as milk and others. There is also a close relationship between pesticide residues in food and the type of food and the type of pesticide used and environmental factors and the way in which the test pesticide. And pesticides other health problems Besides food poisoning gets weight loss and wasting too may lead to death, impaired liver function, such as fibrosis and disability mental and nervous tension and pain in the joints and bones, allergies and the effects on the uterus and inhibitor of the pituitary gland and cause dieldrin memory loss and Atkhozn lindane in the brain and liver. Pesticides also caused permanent paralysis and muscle weakness of the legs pain and memory and other diseases.
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