Otitis is a bacterial infection that affects the middle ear (which is located behind the vacuum Eardrum), and usually occurs as a complication of infection caught a cold that cause Blockage of the Eustachian tube "channel Astekeus" (the corridor that connects the middle ear The back of the throat). And confined to the main symptoms: pain in the ear, and the difficulty in Hearing, the younger children that causes them an ear infection: tears and distress, Accompanied by a fever when about half of the cases, the child feels pain as a result of pressure And swelling, which affects the eardrum because Rotten liquid which accumulates behind . Observe that there must be a child to the doctor to confirm the diagnosis. It is worth Mentioning that ear infections are not contagious.
Any person at risk of otitis media, but children are more vulnerable. Before Reach the third year-old gets 85% of children otitis media. The reason That Astekeus channel when children are shorter, narrower and more honest than those at Adults. And thus contribute to the accumulation of secretions in the middle ear area easily.
Otitis media is not contagious, but upper respiratory tract infections such as Colds, which precedes the ear infection be contagious and can contribute to children such gatherings Nursery Cold injury (Cold) And thus be more exposure.