Levemir Insulin detemir.. Alternatives to long-acting insulin to control severe in the level of sugar in the blood

Levemir Insulin detemir

It substitutes a long-acting insulin and insulin-like alkaline   NPH Or Gelargen terms of the length effect but it works for up to twenty-four hours after injection. If you use this type of treatment diabetic type I must be used with insulin aqueous before meals three means that the patient will be injected four times a day in what is known to control severe in the level of sugar in the blood   Tight glycemic control.

Compared to this kind of insulin insulin Gelargen or   NPH (N b e)   The bouts of low blood sugar less often than these species and less in a weight increase of the patient.

Keeping your blood sugar levels within the range recommended by your doctor can be difficult. This is because many things cause blood sugar levels to change, sometimes unpredictably. Here are some of the factors that can affect your blood sugar levels.

the food

A healthy diet is the basis for a healthy lifestyle, whether or not you have diabetes. But if you have diabetes, you need to know how foods affect your blood sugar levels. It's not just about the type of food you eat, it's also about how much you eat and the combinations of the types of food you eat.

What to do:

  • Learn to count carbohydrate percentages and portion sizes. The foundation of many diabetes management plans is learning how to calculate carbohydrate ratios; Carbohydrates have the biggest impact on blood sugar levels. For people who take insulin at mealtimes, it is important to know the amount of carbohydrates in the food, so that they can get the appropriate dose of insulin.
  • Find out the appropriate portion size for each type of food. And you can simplify your meal plans by writing down portions of the foods you eat most often. Use measuring cups or a scale to ensure you're getting the right serving size and accurate carb count.
  • Balance the ingredients for each meal appropriately. Plan each meal as closely as possible to include an appropriate mix of carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, proteins and fats. Pay attention to the types of carbohydrates you choose;
  • Some carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, are better for you than others. These foods are low in carbs and contain fiber, which helps keep blood sugar levels stable. Talk to your doctor, nurse or dietitian about the best food choices and the right balance of foods.
  • Coordinate your meals and medications. Eating too little relative to diabetes medications, especially insulin, may cause dangerously low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia). Eating a large amount of food may cause your blood sugar level to become too high (hyperglycemia). Talk with your diabetes health care team about the best way to coordinate meal and medication schedules
  • Avoid sugar-sweetened drinks. Sugar-sweetened beverages tend to be high in calories and offer few nutritional benefits. It is best to avoid these types of drinks if you have diabetes because they cause your blood sugar to rise quickly.
  • The only exception is if you have a low blood sugar level. Sugar-sweetened beverages, such as soda, juice and sports drinks, can be used as an effective remedy to quickly raise very low blood sugar.
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