The flu (influenza, flu) virus is highly contagious respiratory disease, and is spread from one person to another by sneezing spray And cough . Comparing influenza most viral respiratory infections otherKalzakam (cold ), We find that the symptoms of the flu are very severe .
Seasonal influenza infection, is usually spread of infection in the winter and last several weeks.
U.S. health experts announced that hand washing is the best way and most importantly to control Germs.He said scientists at the Institute "told Ivbrig Health" in Baltimore that is Simple such as hands laundering plays a key role in the protection of the flu In the winter.
And advised people to vaccination for the prevention of influenza, noting that Available for each of the injection exceeded the age of six months, and that there is a private right to those without 18 and crossed the 50. According to health experts, that the best way to wash your hands That is using lukewarm water and soap for 15 seconds with careful washing Sensitive places Cobain fingers and nails and thumbs .
And advised using tissue paper to close the tap and only contaminated hand Again, and pointed out that the use of other sterile products be effective If the gel contains sterile or napkins on over 70 percent of the alcohol And rub over the entire hand until the drought.